Neon Genesis Evangelion Title Card Gif

Hideaki Anno's Neon Genesis Evangelion

When violent monsters descend upon Earth to destroy humanity, a reluctant young man joins a small squad of pilots under the command of his cold and dictatorial father to drive back the menace using giant machines that seem to have minds of their own.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angel attack Neon Genesis Evangelion: Self Reflection Neon Genesis Evangelion: Episode 3 Fight Neon Genesis Evangelion: Reflections at night
Mr Robot title screen

Sam Esmail's Mr Robot

Elliot, a cyber-security engineer suffering from anxiety, works for a corporation and hacks felons by night. Panic strikes him after Mr Robot, a cryptic anarchist, recruits him to ruin his company.

Mr Robot: Room Mr Robot: Gilberto Hernández Ortega - Unknown (1964) Mr Robot: Wilderness Mr Robot: Arcade
Brazil movie release poster

Terry Gilliam's Brazil

In the dystopian masterpiece Brazil, Jonathan Pryce plays a daydreaming everyman who finds himself caught in the soul-crushing gears of a nightmarish bureaucracy. This cautionary tale by Terry Gilliam, one of the great films of the 1980s, has come to be esteemed alongside antitotalitarian works by the likes of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr. And in terms of set design, cinematography, music, and effects, Brazil is a nonstop dazzler.

Brazil movie: Sam Lowry in the sky Brazil movie: capture